Monday, September 30, 2019

Twelve Angry Men Debrief Questions

Twelve Angry Men Debrief Questions 1. What type of decision was the group instructed to reach (e. g. majority, consensus, authoritarian, etc. ) * When the 12 person jury meets in the room to vote on a guilty or non-guilty verdict, the method used to vote was 1st based on a majority decision-making process where those would raise their hands for guilty and a non-guilty verdict. Once the results were in and 11 voted guilty and 1 voting not guilty. Based on the movie, 11 members of the jury voted guilty while 1 juror voted non-guilty. The 1 non-guilty, disrupted the dynamics of everyone else’s vote; which leads to a major conflict.They now needed to illustrate the pros and cons of both guilty and non-guilty parties. 2. How did personality and interaction styles influence the group's dynamics, conflict management and decision-making process? * With one voting not guilty, the group wanted to discuss why he voted â€Å"not guilty†. The dynamics in a few members in the group b ecame irritable due to his vote; which prolonged the voting process. With the rise of conflict, the jury needed to come up with a decision. In order to come up with their decision, they were to influence and cross referenced their facts.They discussed why they thought the man was guilty and not guilty. Based on the conflict cycle, the jury has reached the first stage of conflict, escalation. 3. How did bias/prejudices influence the group's dynamics, conflict management and decision-making process? * Under a majority influence, the decision making process demonstrated group thinking. Bias and prejudice opinions influenced the group’s dynamics through stereotyping the opponent based upon their prejudice references. Another tactic of influence was isolating the voter to think that his decision was wrong, making him believe that he was disloyal to the jury.Despite the pressure of being ridiculed from the majority, Fonda (non-guilty voter) illustrated a different kind of presentat ion with his interpretation of the facts; which diverted the majorities’ way of thinking. 4. What, if anything, did the foremen do well that helped the group's conflict management and decision-making process? * The foreman in order to diffuse conflict from escalating is the mediator. His job is to mediate conflict by calming everyone down through their presentations. The foreman suggests that the group should, one by one, explain why they think the boy is guilty. 5.What, if anything, could the foremen have done differently to help the group's conflict management and decision-making process? * The foreman should’ve been more involved when conflict rose between all the men. Thirty minutes into the movie, an insensitive comment was made by one of the jurors. Another juror found his comment unnecessary and believed that it shouldn’t be joked about. As he looked at the foreman and told him this, the foreman simply said with an (I don’t care attitude), â€Å"n ow what do you want me to do about that? † It seems to me that while arguments got out of hand, the foreman didn’t care to mediate the situation.I believe he needed to be a little more proactive. 6. Who was most influential on the group's decision-making process? What did he do that was so influential on the group? And what interaction style did he appear to be using? * The most influential individuals in the group were the juror who was very biased against the 18 year old boy, who’s trailed for murder. That juror discussed his thoughts in regards to a situation where his boy struck him in the jaw. He stated that he pushed his boy over the edge; which caused him to strike. With his experience, his beliefs influenced the jury to believe that: 1.The kid was from the slums and that all people from the slums are bad. 2. His situation with his son punching him in the jaw due to the rage of his father. Another influence was the juror who owned a garage. He segregated a nd divided the world by stereotyping â€Å"them† and â€Å"us†. â€Å"Us†, being the people who were rich and/or middle-class, and â€Å"them† being poor people who lived in slums. He believed that the young man was guilty due to the fact the he was born and raised in the slums; which influenced the other members of the jury to think the same way too.Lastly, is the juror who was a refugee from Europe who was faced with many hardships and the reality of injustice. Because of his background, he wanted to see that there is justice for the boy during his trial, hence he voted not guilty. Based on his beliefs, on the facts of this boys pass, the juror is unbiased and wants to do the right thing; which is not sending the boy to the electric chair. This juror’s reflection and his willingness to strive for justice is what influence members of the juror. 7. What constructive responses to conflict (refer to class handout on constructive and destructive respo nses to conflict) were displayed?Explain. * Some constructive responses to conflict were of passive-constructive responses and active-destructive responses to conflict. In certain situations, the juror who voted not guilty wanted to deescalate the issue by discussing all of the facts. Although, all 11 jurors wanted to vote guilty for the boy, this juror wasn’t too at ease with sending a boy to the electric chair without everyone discussing why. During everyone’s evaluation, they illustrative reflective thinking during discussion. 8. What destructive responses to conflict (refer to class handout on constructive and destructive responses to conflict) were displayed?Explain. * Majority of the juries responded with active-destructive responses. They wanted the boy dead. With that, the issue escalated every time the juror who found the boy not guilty pleaded his reasoning. Majority of the jury displayed tension, anger, irritability, and hostility. They retaliated by influen cing the decision to send the boy to the electric chair. 9. What behaviors seemed to most escalate conflict among the group? * I’ve noticed several behaviors that escalated conflict within the group, the first behavior was that of people getting upset and walking away while the speaker was talking.The second behavior were of those who would rudely interrupt the speaker, the third behavior are from those who were playing tic-tac-toe during the speakers presentation, and lastly those who made unnecessary discriminating comments. One behavior that extremely escalated the issue was one of the jurors charged another juror for calling him a sadist. 10. What behaviors seemed to most de-escalate conflict among the group? * Some behaviors that deescalated conflict were when one of the jurors stood up for the old man during his presentation on why one of the witnesses â€Å"wanted attention. Another behavior in deescalating conflict was when the European juror discussed the meaning of democracy. For that reason, he seeks justice in the boy’s trial. He is also very impressed with the idea of democracy: â€Å"This is a remarkable thing†¦that we are notified by mail to come down to this place and decide on the guilt or innocence of†¦a man we have not known before (back). † Because of these beliefs that this foreign-born juror has, he is actually unbiased and will try hard to do the right thing. This is also reflected in his interaction with other jurors and his willingness to strive for justice for the accused. 1. What did the group do to transition forward each time it appeared headed for a stalemate? * For each time the group wanted to move forward, they all re-voted. Re-voting on the verdict increase the non-guilty vote. It was the final moment the last juror who believe the boy was guilty came to the conclusion that the boy was not guilty after seeing his son’s photo. The last juror, at that point had no reason to justify his beli ef with all the facts evaluated. This ended the case with a non-guilty verdict, the boy was set free.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

George says several times ‘If I was alone I could live so easy’ Do you think he is right? Essay

It was obvious that George and Lennie were great friends as they always stood by each other and were rarely seen apart. However it was not the perfect friendship, as the book clearly establishes. George is often agitated by Lennie’s childish ways and he states that without Lennie’s company he could have a much better life, ‘I could get along so easy and so nice if I didn’t have you on my tail’. George constantly has to look out for Lennie and it’s as if he is responsible for two people. We see this early in the book when George says ‘you gonna be sick like you was last night’. George knows deep down that he doesn’t have to do this for Lennie but he continues to care for him as if he was his child. If George lived alone then he would only have to look out for himself and he would not have to be constantly checking Lennie and sorting his problems out. Lennie has the mind of a kid, therefore forcing George to treat him like one. He has to give in to him lots of times and he finds him self comforting him continuously. For example when Lennie cried about the mouse, George had to promise him a new one to get him to stop. This is probably very tiring for George, but he has to do it otherwise Lennie could do something stupid like harming himself. Lennie continually annoys George by being immature and dumb. George often says ‘Jesus Christ, you’re a crazy bastard’. We can see that Lennie frequently drives him to using the lord’s name in vain. George can not always be a happy and cheery man, as he has to be bossy and constantly worrying about Lennie. It can’t be much fun for George to have to watch his every move 24/7. He scarcely has enough time to look after himself. We see this when he has to warn Lennie to stay away from Curley’s wife ‘Don’t you even take a look at that bitch’. I get the impression that George has not had much experience with women, how could he? What with Lennie always being there behind him. This has resulted in him not having a very good attitude towards women and it is a bad fault in his personality. If George was on his own, he could get to know the opposite sex better and maybe find a girlfriend. He definitely would like one as he says ‘I could live so easy, and maybe have a girl’. The worst thing about George always being with Lennie is the amount of trouble he has to get in because of Lennie’s senseless actions. This was first shown when we hear about the girl from Weed, if it weren’t for Lennie the pair would never have had to leave. The interview with the boss was also very risky and George had to use his quick thinking and cleverness to think up things to cover for Lennie. If he were on his own, he would have had no bother and could basically have just strolled on to that ranch. Although Lennie is good company for George and they are close friends, I think that George would be better off without Lennie. It would be a huge weight off his shoulders and he could get on with his own life. Lennie is not his responsibility, and I’m sure if Lennie had sense he would want his best friend to concentrate on their own dreams and goals instead of waiting on him all the time. Lennie is not the type of company that George needs; he is still lonely deep down.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Fight or flight Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Fight or flight - Essay Example In the case of Coleen Colombo and colleagues resisting mortgage fraud, it is a fight response. Colombo and his colleagues have perceived a threat in the form of mortgage fraud. The appropriate mode through which they have chosen to deal with this threat is through defending their interest. Resisting mortgage fraud is a fighting mechanism employed by Colombo and his colleague with the intention of going face to face with the exposed stress. The fight response has been enhanced by the fact that Colombo and his colleagues are aware of ways through mortgage fraud can be managed (Arnetz & Ekman, 2006). It was appropriate for Colombo and his colleagues to choose a fight response over a flight response. Mortgage fraud is an act that goes against normal, ethical practices. If Colombo and his Colleagues would have chosen the flight response, which would have meant that they are afraid of standing up for their rights. The decision to resist fraud has come as a result of Colombo and his colleagues ready to take the required measures in combating fraud. The measures, that they can use in this case as a fight response is demanding a refund from the mortgage company or reporting the matter to the police who will follow up with arrests (Kottler & Chen,

Product and Service Design Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Product and Service Design - Research Paper Example Firms are acknowledging the model behind manufacturing can be translated beyond cost control to design products and services that are easily maintained and serviced. Improving the manufacturing process is an important goal in product and service design (WSP, 2013). A powerful tool can be used to lower manufacturing costs as well as improve the quality of the product or service. Background of the Chapter under Review The value of a business organization is the products and services it offers, all aspects of the organization and the structure of supply chain around the products and services. It is clear that organizations with properly designed products and services are in a better place in realization of their goals than those with defectively designed products and services. Products or service design should be closely linked with an organization’s strategy. This is owing to the fact that it is a major aspect in quality assurance, cost, customer satisfaction and competitive advantage. As a result, various departments including finance, IT, HR, finance, operations and accounting should be involved (Stevenson, 2011). It can be noted that a major cause of operations failed can be attributed to faulty design. Designs that are not

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Management research method Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Management research method - Assignment Example research topic â€Å"An exploratory investigation of the potential relationship between student learning styles, course grade, cumulative grade point average and selected demographics in on-line undergraduate business courses† is a well-structured and articulate topic, which is relevant to the current learning needs globally. With the current educational trend, online learning has become on the rise hence it would be viable to determine the effectiveness of online learning through a comparison to the traditional teaching method especially in relation to the business courses. The research was designed based on three critical hypothesis that were meant to be tested at the end of the research. Basing on the assumption that there is a significant effect of the learning style on the student achievement; in relation to the online versus the enrolled on-fine courses as well as there is a significant relationship between the learning style, age, gender and ethnicity of the students. The hypothesis used in designing the research is significant as it helps to validate the research topic making the testing of hypothesis the ultimate benchmark for research outcome. In the conduction of the research, data was collected through the use of a WebCT courseware to collect information from all the online courses examined in the study, while the learning style survey for college (LSSC) was employed to collect data for determining learning style of the college students. LSSC employed the use of 32 questions in the questionnaire to assess the learning style preferred by the students with a student data form used to collect the learning style, as well as other demographic information. The final grade for the semester was then used as a tool for assessment of the effectiveness of the various learning styles preferred by the students. Seventy-two participants were then sampled to represent the entire group of the learners thus providing the research with a good sample size that would

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

About the lottery and contemporary tradition Essay

About the lottery and contemporary tradition - Essay Example It seems reasonable that â€Å"The Lottery† should be existed because it provides a comparative scenario of the contemporary tradition, later is much better than the previous. However, The Lottery is a representative to all the cruel traditions that are passed from generation to another in an unquestionable acceptance. The short story tries to demonstrate the importance of traditions in a particular society, especially by showing the importance of maintaining the culture. The author achieves her notions by using the cruelty aspects of cultural practices and rituals, in a periodic exercise that illustrates the loyalty of the people to the traditions. In this case, the short story depicts the historical event that has been conducted in the previous years consecutively. Therefore, this paper aims to demonstrate the way The Lottery shows why it is important for having traditional maintainability and royalty in a given cultural practice. The first reason is the way the short story shows the importance of contemporary tradition that helps the people in having self-awareness. The Lottery illustrates the historical existence of the traditions in a given cultural diversity. However, the consecutive conduction of the rituals creates self-awareness to the people on the dangers posed by following a tradition blindly. Jackson had a motive of creating a sensible thinking to the people in their efforts of practicing rituals that may affect their livelihood or even cost the lives for the people in the community. The Lottery was sometimes viewed as a modern aspect of refreshing the traditional rituals to conform to the changing world, especially by demonstrating the negative impacts caused by maintaining the traditional practices. In this case, The Lottery was perceived to reflect or encourage the modern way of living by avoiding or improving the traditional rituals. The story demonstrates the importance of adopting other cultural practices into the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Family History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Family History - Essay Example I contacted our local church first to look for my Baptism details. There it was. The church had records of my Baptism before 18 years along with my parents name and grandparent’s name. Digging deeper, I found out my parents got married in the same Church where I was baptised, five years before my birth. Their marriage registration details gave me the name and address of my grandparents Jacob Schoff and Linda Schoff. My mother was the daughter of Claude Bourgeois and Michele Bourgeois. With the address I collected from the church I visited Pennsylvania where my father’s grand parents lived long ago. Getting in touch with the area Church, I was able to get the records of my grandfathers Baptism as a child, way back in 1922. I could also get details about their marriage and my great grandfather’s family. My father John Schoff was a business consultant who married my mother Ebenezer Bourgeois. My grandfather Jacob Schoff was a lawyer in New York. His father John Scho ff born in 1880 migrated from Pennsylvania to New York as he was a physician. Jacob Schoff, his father had eight children including 5 sons and 3 daughters. He was born and bought up in the Pennsylvanian plantations and lived as a farmer most part of his life. He took part in the American Civil War too. Two of his descendants still live in the plantation. They have a full record of family history starting from the very first ancestor who came to America from Germany way back in 1702. Jacob Schoff’s father Andreas Schoff who lived during the Californian Gold rush is said to be a writer and adventurer. It is said he stuck luck in the gold rush and bought the plantation in Pennsylvania with that money. The family lived in the plantations for three generations until my great grandfather John Schoff moved to New York. Andreas Schoff’s great grandfather migrated from Germany to England in search of a better future in the 17th century. He came to America in 1709 (Schoff Coat o f Arms and Name History, 2000). He moved to various places and finally settled in Virginia. His grand children fought for the Independence of America during the 1776 war. His descendants are called under various names like Schoff, Schaeffer and Schafer. I was quite proud to know that my family has such a long history and had contributed its share in every major event of this nation from the Independence struggle to the Civil war. Early day journals maintained by our great ancestor Andreas Schoff written in German, states how a handful of German’s were treated indifferently by the dominant French and British colonists. I have heard stories from my grandfather on how he was scrutinized for being a German descendant during the Second World War. My grandfather was not able to go higher in profession because of this discrimination. However, we live in better times now. Thanks to the endless efforts of generations of our family members who strived hard to give us an economically sa fe future in this century. My Mother’s History Exploring my mother’s side of family history, I found she is a mixture of Irish and French nationals who settled in the United States centuries back. Peter Bourgeois my mother’s great ancestor settled in Nova Scotia in 1761. Bourgeois were a class held in high esteem next to the Nobles in France (Bourgeois Family Crest and Name History, 2000). They came here to serve in the French army and settled in the US soil. His family slowly

Monday, September 23, 2019

Renewabe Energy Sources Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Renewabe Energy Sources - Research Paper Example Renewable energy sources and the significant opportunities for the energy efficiency exist over a wide geographical area. Deployment of the renewable energy and technological diversification of the energy sources would result in a significant energy security and economic benefits (Johansson, 2007). There are several uncertainties surrounding the future of renewable sources of energy. There are claims that the available sources will be unable meet the demand in the future. In the past, the renewable energy has been terribly expensive to produce and use than fossils fuels. The renewable resources are mainly located in the remote areas, and it is terribly expensive to build the power lines in urban areas where electricity produced is needed. The use of this energy sources is also limited by the fact that they are not always available for use. During the cloudy days, they may be no solar power produced (Tiwari, 2012). When the winds are calm, and there is drought there would be no hydrop ower produced in such a case. The use and production of the renewable sources has grown in the recent years as a result of high prices of gas and natural oil. The use of this energy is expected to continue rising over the next thirty years, although EIA projects will have to continue relying on the non-renewable fuels in order to meet the energy needs. Other sources of energy like the fossils cause an environmental hazard because they contribute in the global warming. The United States is the leading consumer of energy; her energy is expected to rise in the future. Alternative sources will be used; this will ease the burden of importing petroleum products (Fra?ss-Ehrfeld, 2009). Therefore, U.S should be in the front line in developing the energy sources such as the wind and solar power. This will substantially boost the economy, hence reducing global warming and also help their citizen to save money. Unfortunately, oil companies have always been able to influence the department of E nergy to reject proposals on additional sources of energy. It has always been that the decision of the department on the project will depend on the opinions of the oil companies. Few countries have the capabilities of storing the energy for use. This is an exercise which requires funding; this makes it difficult to establish various points where the energy can be stored (Laughton, 2006). Sources like geothermal and water requires funds to implement the project. Lack of knowledge can also be a problem when implementing the project of renewable from of energy. Projects like geothermal and hydropower have to be implemented by electrical engineers, which might be a significant problem while finding one. Solar energy utilizes the infrared radiations to emit energy. This can be used at night and does not require additional resources. Despite requiring, no resources the people implementing must have the required knowledge to implement the project successfully. Energy is a necessary resourc e that is necessary for all industrial societies. Natural sources of energy like fossil fuels pose a risk to the environment. Other sources of energy are not sufficient to meet the demand for energy. These conditions require the United States to find alternative sources of energy. These alternative sources must meet the demands of energy which will reduce the risks of global warming. Th

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Story of Dubliners Essay Example for Free

Story of Dubliners Essay The very first story of Dubliners outlines a large theme that can overlay much of the book and may in part be why James Joyce decided to group all of these short stories into one book. The first short story called â€Å"Two Sisters† focuses on the paralysis of a young boy as the impending death of his mentor Father Flynn draws closer. The boy walks past the priest’s home showing that a part of him cannot let go and that he himself is paralyzed by the loss of his friend and mentor who was prepping him for the priesthood. In the first paragraph of the book the narrator talks of the word paralysis and says â€Å"It filled me with fear, and yet I longed to be nearer to it and to look upon its deadly work† (Joyce, 3). The quote summarizes a recurring theme throughout Dubliners and prepares the reader by showing how paralysis in life is dangerous and leads to unhappiness. The story following â€Å"Two Sisters† is called â€Å"An Encounter† which is about two boys and their adventures while skipping school. Seeking escape from everyday life the boys decide to skip school and have an adventure much like the adventures that Mahoney reads in his books. At the start of their day their original plan is working out for them apart from the fact that Joe Dillon who promised to join them was a no show. However, the title suggests that something would happen to the boys. While they are in a field they see an older man coming right towards them. The old man is particularly creepy towards the boys after asking them about their girlfriends and then leaving walking to another part of the field and then coming back talking of beating Mahoney. Faced by this odd situation the narrator feels paralyzed from taking some sort of action to avoid the old man. Mahoney ran off chasing a cat, but the narrator stayed and instead of leaving as well, the peculiarity of the situation keeps him from acting. The narrator does not respond to the man and sits hoping for the moment to just pass by. Only at the very end of the story is the narrator able to stand up and break free from his paralysis. The next story in Dubliners called â€Å"Araby†, centers around a younger boy who has a crush on his friend’s sister who is likely a few years older. Her presence in the story greatly resembles â€Å"An Encounter† because she is seen as an escape to the narrator. She allows him to break away from the dull dragging on everyday life by giving the boy over romanticized thoughts. He goes to the bazaar to get her a gift, however he arrives late and does not have as much money as wanted to buy her a gift. By the end he gives up his attempts to purchase a gift and has a sort of epiphany; however it is not a positive one. The paralysis in the story centers on this youthful defeat and eludes that life itself will be much the same. The three stories prepare the reader for the paralysis in â€Å"Eveline† because in the stories preceding the paralysis is the same, but slightly different every time. In â€Å"Two Sisters† the narrator is paralyzed from the beginning and thinks heavily on the work itself and how destructive it can be. The narrator foreshadows the theme that continues through the whole novel. In â€Å"An Encounter† the narrator is paralyzed in the field by the old man, but he manages to overcome it after a while and leaves. In â€Å"Araby† the narrator breaks free from paralysis when he has his romanticized feelings for his friend’s sister, but at the end is defeated and thrown back into paralysis after failing to get her a gift. In â€Å"Eveline† the paralysis is so evident that the narrator is described as clinging to the cold iron bars. The theme of paralysis is most evident in this story than it is through the entire novel, however the stories placed before â€Å"Eveline† were needed to help the reader further understand paralysis and how it affects people constantly every day. Short Response 5.In â€Å"Two Gallants† Lenehan receives a great deal of depth even though on the surface he could be seen as a simple con man. Lenehan’s partner, Corely, is fairly one dimensional and is a great contrast from Lenehan. Corley seems content with the life that he lives in that he is described as a â€Å"leech†; however Lenehan is shown in a much different light in that he seems distant when walking with Corely at the beginning of the story, lost in his thoughts. Later when Lenehan is walking on his own he thinks of how he wants to settle down and get a steady job with steady pay and have a good home life possibly with a family. The wishes that he has for a better life shows his depth while his partner has none, but once Lenehan sees the gold chain Corely conned a maid into stealing it seems unlikely Lenehan will change. 2.In â€Å"An Encounter† the narrator and Mahoney skip school in search of adventure, however by the end of the story their relationship has greatly changed. Although the narrator never says anything to Mahoney many of his private thoughts are of him thinking why is Mahoney talking to the old man. He was confused on why Mahoney was egging on the old man by having a conversation while the narrator sat silently. The narrator by the end of the story thinks of Mahoney as dumb for being unable to see the oddness of the situation with the old man as he was able to. 4.In â€Å"Eveline† she is undecided on the notion of leaving with her love, Frank, and abandoning her family, particularly her father. The quote â€Å"It was hard work – a hard life – but now that she was about to leave it she did not find it a wholly undesirable life† plays on the fact that numerous time in the story she changes her mind on whether or not to leave. Certain things make her want to leave such as thinking about how her mother felt stuck, while other things made her want to stay such as the harp playing reminding her of her mother’s death. She constantly is convincing herself to either go or stay even if the reason that she comes up with goes against how she actually feels. Her logic leaves her saying things like the quote in that even though she feels the want to leave she convinces herself it is just as nice to stay home.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Power of Observation Essay Example for Free

The Power of Observation Essay The power of sight and observation are two actions that are generally associated with one another. However, what we fail to acknowledge is that these two actions, although associated with the same sense, have different responsibilities to fulfill. Although seeing is a habitual act we perform the second we open our eyes to when we fall asleep, we are not always observing our surroundings. Observation differs from sight due to the fact that when we observe, we are vividly noticing aspects of something or someone in order to gain information whereas sight is simply the faculty, or driving force, of seeing. We are able to obtain more powerful knowledge if we go about our days observing rather than just living a life full of brief sights. Michel Foucault, a French philosopher explores several elements in the ways in which our humanity and social sciences work. In his work, Discipline and Punishment: The Birth of the Prison he uses Jeremy Bentham’s design for a panoptic prison in which prisoners are watched constantly to explore how observation can change an individual’s behavior. Similarly Foucault believed, observation works as a disciplinary tool that forces individuals to act a certain way under constant surveillance, creating permanent effects. Foucault was correct in the sense that surveillance works in the same manner continuously within our society however, although an individual’s behavior is altered by the observation of another person, he is wrong to believe that their actions remain static. An individual’s behavior can be altered in several different circumstances due to the type of audience and the fear of being misjudged. Foucault explores the concept of a prison imagined by Jeremy Bentham called the Panopticon. The Panopticon was initially created to establish discipline and â€Å"to induce in the inmate and state of conscious and permanent visibility that assures the automatic functioning of power. So to arrange things that the surveillance is permanent in its effects even if it is discontinuous in its action.† (288) The idea that the tower is located centrally is important in order to see all of the prisoners. However, what truly exercises the power of observation is that they feel they are constantly under surveillance even if no one is utilizing it in the panopticon. The prisoner is constantly â€Å"seen, but he does not see; he is the object of information, never the subject in communication.† (287) Foucault believed that anyone could obtain this power simply by remaining invisible in this tower and their â€Å"invisibility [was] a guarantee of order† and that this power could be mobilized in institutions such as schools, hospitals, and prisons as long as observation was intact. (287) Furthermore, what gives the observer absolute potency is the fear the prisoners have that they will be punished for acting incorrectly in the eyes of the observer as well as being mislabeled. Foucault extended his theory by observing that not only would the power of observation work inside the walls of the prison but that â€Å"on the whole, therefore, one can speak of the formation of a disciplinary society in this movement that stretched from the enclosed disciplines, a sort of social quarantine.† (300) By taking the idea of the Panopticon and stretching the power outwards, we would be creating â€Å"useful individuals† who ultimately mask themselves to behaving a certain way in public. While Foucault believed that our masked identities consisted of only one side, he failed to acknowledge that within society there are different views of what one considers to be a â€Å"useful individual.† There are several different groups within the community that we can be a part of, ultimately giving us several different masks we can put on. In order to be seen positively in the eyes of each individual group we must become that â€Å"useful individual† they believe in. As seen in Foucault’s Panopticism, the labels given to us by society automatically brand us and we are required to fulfill a type of role or expectation based on the title given to us. The labels given to us are assigned because of how an individual perceives us whether they are based off of appearance or our actions. Unlike the Panopticon, there is not just one central tower that has an observer watching us but rather the people we pass on the street have the power to observe as well. There is no longer just one observer who has the central power but several people who can watch our every move and perceive us in certain ways. As Foucault states the â€Å"power of spectacle† still maintains the same effect and â€Å"our society is one not of spectacle, but of surveillance.† (301) However with all this surveillance, â€Å"his ‘true’ name, his ‘true’ place, his ‘true’ body† starts to be defined; thus the formation of labels. (284) The pressure to behave accordingly has increased because we are constantly under the surveillance of society and having our every move be recorded and observed. Furthermore, while those surrounding us have the power to observe, as individuals we begin to take in those around us and begin to judge them as well. Nevertheless, it is not the label that first defines us, it is the observer. They are the ones who have the initial power to influence our actions simply by feeling as though those around us are judging us. Once we are branded into our label, we feel obligated to act these different roles and put on several different masks in order to please those around us who are associated in our group. As individuals we constantly feel the need to be accepted into a group and are highly concerned with how we are being perceived, especially if we do not know the people observing us. The gaze that has the strongest influence on our actions is the gaze of a stranger. Although we may not personally know those who pass us on the street and surround us a majority of the time, these are the observers we fear most because we worry about the way they are perceiving us. We constantly care about how we will be perceived even if we do not know those forming opinions on us because we were designed to feel the need to be socially accepted. The feeling that a strangers â€Å"gaze is everywhere† compels us to do what we feel those around us consider to be socially acceptable. We are most restricted in public places because as Foucault states the power of observation â€Å"reaches the threshold of a discipline when the relation of the one to the other becomes favorable.† (304) For instance, when I am in public I certainly do not sing songs that play on my iPod because I fear what those around me will think about what type of person I am; perhaps I will receive a reputation for being known as the weird girl who sings to herself. Once we start to care more about what those around us see in ourselves we become a prisoner of their examination, behaving in ways that those around us do. We never become comfortable when surrounded by several strangers because we will never know what their opinions of us are. Authority figures such as professors, officers and adults, also have a great deal of control over our actions. Unlike the stranger we encounter and never get to know, these authority figures are people we interact with on several occasions and generally reappear in our daily lives. When first interacting with these people who possess authority over ourselves, we generally want to make a good impression and desire to be in their good graces because we feel they have the power over us. Figures such as professors, adults and even the police officers Foucault addresses are members who are associated within this group. These authority figures work in the same manner as the traditional panoptic situation where we are constantly aware of how we are being observed and put on a lasting mask of how to behave in front of them. However, what alters our comfort between a stranger and an authority figures’ gaze is that we have the opportunity to become comfortable with those who have authority. As we encounter those authority figures on a daily basis, we begin to form a comfort with the assumed role we are required to fulfill. For instance, when first encountering my professors I felt that I needed to be depicted as the â€Å"perfect student† because I did not know them. Although they are figures where I am under my best behavior, a level of comfort is created as the semester progresses and an appropriate relationship begins to form between my professors and I. It ties together two important elements that while we become more comfortable with those around us, we start to become more of who we are and are able to unveil the many masks we must put on to those we feel most comfortable around. While Foucault argued that family was the first panoptic system we felt most pressured under, the observation of our family and friends are the ones we actually are most comfortable and acquainted with. He may have asserted that we have â€Å"made the family the privileged locus of emergence for the disciplinary question of the normal and the abnormal.† (300) However, while we generally are concerned with what those who are close to us believe, we are able to break the barrier of being a stranger because we know these are the people who are most accepting of the actions we take. These are the people who we in fact feel we can be ourselves around because we spend so much time with them and there is a comfort level within that relationship. These observations being made are so frequently that we are eventually able to take off our masks and be who we truly are. We simply have internalized our behavior, which forces us to be ourselves because we do not fear what judgment will be passed. Although Foucault discusses how institutions are able to exercise the power of observation and the effect on our behaviors, today those observations are beyond the walls of a prison, hospital or school. The eyes of observation follow us everywhere we go, and the most restraining observers are the ones we do not know. By being surrounded by those we are comfortable with, we are able to take off our several masks we are forced to put on while in the community or in front of those we do not know. Unlike Foucault, it is not a matter of surveillance but a matter of who we feel the most comfort with. Works Cited Foucault, Michel. â€Å"Panopticism.† Ways of Reading, 9th Edition. Eds. David Bartholomae and Anthony Petroski. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2011 282-309.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Importance of Internal and External Business Analysis

Importance of Internal and External Business Analysis Introduction In the current business environment in which we do exist, there is need for one to be dynamic in order to survive. The business environments, both internal and external are changing fast and swiftly hence not giving chance to businesses and people who are static. Therefore, in order for one to progress in the current business environment, one needs to identify his or internal strengths and weaknesses (Guy, 2009). One also should be in a position to identify the possible opportunities and threats and be in a position to capitalize on these threats by the strengths and weaknesses at hand. Knowledge of Strategy and Economics â€Å"Strategy is the direction and scope of an organization over the long term: which achieves advantage in a changing environment through its configuration of resources and competences with the aim of fulfilling stakeholder expectations† (Guy, 2009). As the business environment becomes more difficult and competitive, there is need for companies and individuals to have strategies to aide them sail through. â€Å"A prescriptive strategy is one whose objective is defined in progress and whose main elements have been developed before the strategy commences.† (Skinner and Skinner, 2008). â€Å"An emergent strategy is one whose final objective is undecided and whose elements are developed during the course of its life, as the strategy proceeds.† (Abrahams, 2003). From the definations above, it could be seen that a prescriptive strategy provides clear set goals for a business. The prescriptive strategy would not be a good strategy for the agent as the business environment is changing. The emergent strategies would be most appropriates as, â€Å"Emergent strategy increases flexibility in a chaotic environment, allowing the business to respond to pressure and develop opportunities† (Cadle, Paul and Yeates, 2010). In a business environment that is constantly changing, forces or supply and demand constantly affecting the market hence price volatility. There are also imperfect market conditions meaning businesses could make either profits or losses depending on the sway of the market ((Cadle, Paul and Yeates, 2010). Agents should have good knowledge of this to allow the business to always be on the gaining side. Changing business Environment A changing business environment is expected for businesses that rely mostly on technologies and forces of demand and supply. The above-mentioned factors are not the only factors that lead to changes in business environment but there exist other factors. As an agent, one should have knowledge of these key factors, including globalization, rising incomes, rapidly changing technology, changing economic structure, e-commerce and skill requirement. The understanding of the business environment is a key aspect for any agent who would want to penetrate the business world. The above factors vary greatly thereby affecting the business environment accordingly. The agent should therefore use emergent strategies that enable a person to adapt in any changes in the external and internal environment. Changes in the price levels and changes in technology levels greatly affect the business plans and strategies. Agents should keep in mind such changes and be in a position to predict their changes in order to make appropriate strategies in the given industries. Strengths and Weaknesses Strengths of a person can either be analyzed as personal and professional. Professional strengths are those acquired through learning and experience thereby depend on the exposure of the agent. Personal Strengths are those acquired through the environment one has been brought up in hence are the characteristics of the agents. As an agent, the possession of various language skills enables one to be in a better position to communicate and express ideas better (Kaplan and Norton, 2001). As I possess knowledge in only one language, that creates a weakness that should be eliminated. My knowledge in numeracy skills gives me an advantage in the industry as I am in a position to interpret and predict key important factors in the business environment. The possession of moderate IT skills is both a strength and a weakness as I am not fully knowledgeable in the area but at least literate. Personal traits are also a key factor in the determining ones strengths and weakness. My interpersonal skills and self-organization increase my chances of associating well with the outside world. Time management is key of them all; this will enable me to strategies well and be in a position to predict the future in a right manner. A weakness exists in my risk taking ability therefore the need to avoid risk or learn on the best way to take risks. Connecting to the Environment Strengths could be seen as Numeracy skills, self-organization, time management and interpersonal skills. Weaknesses include risk taking ability, language and IT skills. Opportunities include changes in the price levels and changes in consumer preferences. Threats include globalization, experienced agents and rising in incomes causing inflation. With these in mind, I would opt for a job as a manager who would thrive to chief executive officer in time. Training in Information Technology and language skills will be of utmost importance. Communications skills will increase my employment base from local to international. Currently, with enough capital, the best business to set is the banking business. With increased rate of credit and reduced use of paper money, banking industry tends to be more profitable, (Abrahams, 2003). The best partners would be good financers and people who have special skills in the industry. I would pick them from all over but the first place to start would be from my friend list, as I know them better. Conclusion Analyzing of one’s strengths and weaknesses allows one to be in a position to capitalize on the opportunities and the threats available. Business Environment are known to change frequently due to various factors such as price and technology changes. Therefore, one should be able to choose the best strategy to implement in such a scenario. Emergent strategies are those strategies that can be manipulated with time unlike the prescriptive strategies that are set before the implementation process. For business that are changing, agents are advised to always update their education background and strategies in order to always fit whenever the turn the business may take. References Abrams, R., 2003.  The successful business plan. 1st ed. Palto Alto, Calif.: Planning Shop. Blair, A. and Hitchcock, D., 2001.  Environment and business. 1st ed. London: Routledge. Brooks, I., Weatherston, J. and Wilkinson, G., 2011.  The international business environment. 1st ed. Harlow, England: Financial Times/Prentice Hall. Cadle, J., Paul, D. and Yeates, D., 2010.  Business analysis. 1st ed. Swindon: British Informatics Society. Campbell, D. and Craig, T., 2005.  Organisations and the business environment. 1st ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann. Cherunilam, F., 2010.  Business environment. 1st ed. Mumbai [India]: Himalaya Pub. House. Grote, J., Lang, A. and Schneider, V., 2008.  Organized business interests in changing environments. 1st ed. Basingstoke [England]: Palgrave Macmillan. Guy, F., 2009.  The global environment of business. 1st ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kaplan, R. and Norton, D., 2001.  The strategy-focused organization. 1st ed. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School Press. Skinner, J. and Skinner, J., 2008.  Business plan, business reality. 1st ed. Toronto: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Riding Bikes and Raising Social Consciousness Essay example -- Persona

Riding Bikes and Raising Social Consciousness Instructor’s comment: This student invites his readers along for a bicycle ride, immersing us in the sights, smells, sounds, and physical sensations of a phenomenon unique to San Francisco. Along the way he educates us about the political and social significance of the ride—but in such a genial, inclusive way that we may not even realize right away that we’ve been taught a lesson in social consciousness-raising. crit’i cal mass’ n. 2: an amount necessary or sufficient to have a significant effect or to achieve a result. —Random House Webster’s College Dictionary On the last Friday of each month, Tom, an amiable Jesuit Brother who loves cycling, my best friend, Ron, a few awkward freshmen, and I would all meet at school around 5:00 p.m. We would all be dressed differently: me in my jean shorts, a ratty tee shirt, and my purple helmet; everyone else in a combination of blue jeans, sweaters, jackets, and red or white helmets. The colors of our helmets, clothing, and bicycles constituted at least a perfect rainbow. Wasting no time, we would begin our migration, a race against the fog and its pursuing damp chill, to dominate the streets of San Francisco for one night as a unit, a voice, a symbol, and a mass. On this one night of each month, cars become the minority, the police blocking the intersections to allow the steady flow of 1500 cyclists to flow continuously like a giant, fluid serpent, oozing around the skyscrapers. Fueled by whoops, shouts, high-fives, clanging bells, screeching whistles, rattling chains and fenders, and the mesmerizing, silent symphony of blinking red lights, we would pedal all over the city for our own personal reasons and causes, but also for the ... ...Golden Gate Park by the well-maintained Victorian houses of the Castro and Lower Haight. Once on Kennedy Drive in the park, the entire Mass was about half its original size, since many people had split off and gone home along the course of the ride. When we finally got to the Polo Field, everyone laid their bikes down on the damp grass. The sun had already set, but there was just enough light in the sky to give it a dark blue color. The temperature was moderate (in my opinion), but many were putting their jackets and sweaters back on, including Ron and Tom. The freshmen found us almost immediately. They said they had â€Å"had a blast† and managed to stay right at the front with the â€Å"hotshots.† Good for them. I, on the other hand, was glad to stay at the heart of the mass, where we were a part of something important and wonderful. We were a critical mass—a velo de force.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Puzzle of King Tuts Inner-Coffin as Recreational Activity :: King Tutankhamun History Essays

Puzzle of King Tut's Inner-Coffin as Recreational Activity The King Tutankhamun jigsaw puzzle consists of 1000 individual, cardboard pieces which fit perfectly together to form a 13.75 X 38.5 inch portrait of his inner-coffin. It serves a dual purpose, not only as a two-dimensional replica of King Tut's coffin, but also as a form of recreational activity. The fun lies in methodically assembling the pieces together to create a desired image. Its intended consumer ranges from kids to adults. The puzzle can be found in the gift section at the UCSD bookstore. The bookstore is located in the middle of a college campus, primarily dependent on the patronage of college students. As its name suggests, it mainly sells textbooks for college courses, as well as clothing, school supplies, and assorted gifts. While the puzzle functions as an entertaining diversion, the actual inner-coffin of King Tutankhamun served a much more significant role. The discovery of this historical artifact offers a glimpse into the lifestyle and beliefs of the Egyptians. The Egyptians were deeply religious people, incorporating religious ideology into their everyday life. They believed in an inner-spirit, called the ka, which persists long after a person's death. With this in mind, they went to great lengths to ensure that the ka of a departed king enjoyed a comfortable, luxurious after-life existence, as it was crucial to the well-being of the Egyptian state. So, when King Tutankhamun died in 1327 BC., they lavished his tomb with funerary decorations and expensive furnishings. They paid particular attention to the quality and extravagance of his inner-coffin, where his remains reposed. The marked difference in the function and significance of the jigsaw puzzle and King Tut's actual coffin is reflected in the monetary value placed on each item. The inner-coffin is made of several hundred pounds of solid gold which theoretically reproduced the bodily and facial features of King Tutankhamun. However, the level of accuracy to which it was done is not known. Colored enamel and semi-precious gemstones decorate its surface, as well as very finely incised linear designs and hieroglyphic inscriptions. The king is depicted as holding a crook and a flail, both symbols closely associated with Osiris, the god of the dead. Taken together with the coffin's historical significance, it is worth several million dollars. While the average consumer may not have the purchasing power to afford such a luxury, he or she can trot over to the UCSD bookstore and buy a jigsaw puzzle depicting its likeness for a scant $11.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Mercantilist Relationship Between the American Colonies and the British Government Essay

Mercantilism is an economic policy and theory where the government has complete control of trade, both foreign and inside boundaries. This policy was dominant during the 16th, 17th, and late 18th centuries, it demanded a positive balance of trade between the countries it was involved with. There were many policies that were within the theory based upon mercantilism including, building a network of overseas colonies and forbidding them to trade with other nations, forbidding trade to be carried in foreign ships, export as a trade barrier using domestic goods and services competitive against imports, and restricting domestic consumption with non-tariff barriers to trade. The British government established a mercantilist relationship with the American colonies that was to its benefit until 1763 and then the relationship no longer was of economic benefit to the British crown. Prior to 1763 the colonists had no choice but to go along with Parliament’s right to take actions on their behalf and the predominance of Britain’s economic benefits over their personal ones. Seven Years’ War was the war that altered the parliaments actions, had been intended to regulate trade and nothing else, Parliament’s arrangements began to conflict with the colonists’ interests. This caused the colonies to grow and thrive, by the time the British realized this Americans had already established lucrative trade with other countries. Britain became more aware of this growing â€Å"problem† and began to keep a close eye on the colonies and implemented regulatory policies, the British instituted a series of laws of trade and navigation known as the Navigation Acts. The purposes of these acts were to limit colonial trade to the British only. For this to be accomplished all trading to be done involving the colonists was to be on either English vessels or colonial-built vessels, therefore, if colonists planned to trade with other nations all of their goods had to first be shipped to England. This gave the British the chance to get a hand on the items being traded and to collect revenue from taxation before the products were traded. Another limitation that was set on the colonies was that in order to trade products such as tobacco, sugar, and cotton it had to be done with the British only. When the British would notice the colonies beginning to make profit they would add the product that was causing the increase in revenue to the list of products only to be traded with them. Although there were many restrictions placed upon the colonies, they did not cause as much damage as Britain may have hoped. Benjamin Franklin answered when asked, â€Å"I have never heard any objection to the right of laying duties to regulate commerce; but a right to lay internal taxes was never supposed to be in Parliament, as we are not represented there†. There were even some benefits even to having these regulations, such as a built in market for raw products that they had and the British did not rigidly enforce the trading regulations that were set. Following Great Britain’s achievement of French territory in North America after the end of the French and Indian War allotted the Proclamation of 1763 in October of 1763. The purpose of the proclamation was to establish Britain’s new North American Empire and to stabilize associations with Native North Americans through regulation of settlement, trade, and land purchases. The proclamation kept certain lands for the Indians and prevented the colonies from settling inland. The colonies wished to expand their territory inlands but with the Proclamation of 1763 they were unable to do so, causing massive amounts of interest conflicts. The British seemed to be enforcing this proclamation more so than any other laws placed on the colonies before. Troops were stationed along the frontier to give the colonists’ no control over attempting to expand their population inland. The colonies feared for overpopulation and crowded cities along the coastline. It appeared that the break down of this mercantilist relationship between the United States colonies and Britain along with the split of America from the British Empire was unavoidable. Before the French and Indian war, Britain was having a hard time keeping up with and maintaining regulations that they had placed upon the colonies. The trade laws were inadequately implemented and the colonies were able to go about their own political and economic systems independently. But, with the close of the war Parliament concluded the time of this neglect of enforcement and became more dominate with the colonies in order to reestablish complete control over their trade. Pervious laws that were established to benefit Britain were enforced harshly and new laws were also applied to further benefit the British. This led to animosity between Britain and the colonies because the colonies experienced economic independence for too long a period causing the colonists to have no desire to return to how things used to be. The aggressive application of the Navigation Act to the colonists subdued their manufacturing operations and increased resentment against the British Parliamentary. The severe enforcement of these laws led to inflation and alienation in the colonies, neither of which benefited the British Empire. During this time of strict enforcement there were many more laws and acts placed upon the colonies to restrict their trade and growth. Parliament passed the Sugar and Molasses Act trying to bring the colonies in line with regard to payment of taxes. The Sugar Act reduced the rate of tax on molasses and listed more foreign goods to be taxed including coffee, wines, sugar, and various other goods. The tax on caused the instantaneous deterioration in the rum industry in the colonies. This interrupted the economy in the colonies because it reduced the markets to which the colonies could sell and the amount of currency available to them for the purchase of British manufactured goods. This act, and the Currency Act, set the stage for the revolt at the imposition of the Stamp Act. The Stamp Act of 1765 was a direct tax on documents and articles, this act directly affected all colonists. The law required a stamp to be placed on all printed materials, including legal documents, almanacs, pamphlets, and newspapers. Although this affected all colonists, lawyers, clergymen, and printers felt the wrath of this act the most. Benjamin Franklin stated â€Å"There is not gold and silver enough in the colonies to pay the stamp duty for one year†. The before and after of this act set in stone the perceived idea that the mercantilist benefits of the relationship between the colonies and Britain may have run its course. After debate about the collection of taxes due to the Stamp Act was the Quartering Act of 1765. The Quartering Act was part of the intolerable acts; the purpose of this act was only to take back hold of the colonies. The act violated the Bill of Rights, which forbids taxation without representation and the raising or keeping of a standing army without the consent of Parliament; colonies disputed the legality of this Act. In his first speeches in Parliament, Camden said, â€Å"taxation and representation are inseparable; this position is founded on the laws of nature; it is more, it is itself an eternal law of nature; for whatever is a man’s own, is absolutely his own; no man has a right to take it from him without his consent, either expressed by himself or representative; whoever attempts to do it, attempts an injury; whoever does it, commits a robbery; he throws down and destroys the distinction between liberty and slavery. Taxation and representation are coeval with and essential to the constitution†¦Ã¢â‚¬  If the soldiers outnumbered the housing available the colonies were expected to pay the cost of housing and feeding the troop, after the arrival of the troops New York refused to pay for supplies causing the troops to have to stay aboard their ships. Even after attempts to revise the Stamp Act, New York still resisted which led to the repeal of this act and the Stamp Act. With no doubt it seemed that violent hostility would prevail even with any effort to change the Acts making it almost impossible for Britain to establish any hope for a beneficial relationship with the colonies. The steady resistance to the Stamp Act led to it being repealed, which cost the British, â€Å"Suppose a military force sent into America; they will find nobody in arms; what are they then to do? They cannot force a man to take stamps who chooses to do without them. They will not find a rebellion; they may indeed make one. † This repeal showed the colonists that their resisting the act worked and would put fire to their future revolts considering this worked for them. The British were losing money now and the colonies did not seem to be hurt as badly as would have been hoped by the British. To down play the win that the colonies had just accomplished Parliament set out another act, the Declaratory Act, to serve as a punishment. The Declaratory Act asserted that Parliament â€Å"had, hath, and of right ought to have, full power and authority to make laws and statutes of sufficient force and validity to bind the colonies and people of America †¦ in all cases whatsoever†. In the context and the word choice in which this was written shows that the act was intentionally clear-cut and to the point. Parliament had the upper hand and the absolute power to make laws and changes to the colonial government, â€Å"in all cases whatsoever†. Caught up in attempting to strip the colonies of their freedoms in order to prevent them from creating a profit, the British were losing money and quite frankly, running out of it. In one final attempt to gain back control of the colonies and make their relationship work Parliament passed the Townshend Act. A colonist identified as Brutus argued against that assumption, stating, â€Å"Nothing can be more flagrantly wrong than the Assertion of some of our mercantile Dons. John Hancock adds, â€Å"Taxes equally detrimental to the commercial interests of the Parent country and the colonies are imposed upon the People, without their consent; Taxes designed for the Support of the Civil Government in the Colonies, in a Manner clearly unconstitutional, and contrary to that, in which ’till of late, Government has been supported, by the free Gift of the People in the American Assemblies or Parliaments; as also for the Maintenance of a large Standing Army; not for the Defiance of the newly acquired Territories, but for the old Colonies, and in a Time of Peace. This testimony written in a letter was tremendously effective in the efforts to abolish this act placed upon the colonies; there were also the Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, which had its influence on the topic as well. There were twelve letters that were widely read and reprinted throughout the thirteen colonies, and were a major factor in attempting to unit the colonists against the Townshend Acts. Dickenson, the farmer, acknowledged the great power that the Parliament had in concern for the whole British Empire but argued that the taxes that were given to the colonies were for purpose of their own personal gain in revenue rather then what was stated in the books of the acts being for purpose of trade only. Dickinson foresees the possibility of future conflict between the colonies and Great Britain, but urges against the use of violence, â€Å"If at length it becomes undoubted that an inveterate resolution is formed to annihilate the liberties of the governed, the English history affords frequent examples of resistance by force. What particular circumstances will in any future case justify such resistance can never be ascertained till they happen. Perhaps it may be allowable to say generally, that it never can be justifiable until the people are fully convinced that any further submission will be destructive to their happiness. † The colonies boycotted this idea, their boycott, although it failed, gave them the strength to continue to not follow the acts that the Parliament required of them. The British had no way to enforce the collection of taxes so Britain had no choice but to repeal the Townshend Act. Britain was completely unstable and given this, the mercantilist relationship was coming to an end between the United States colonies and the British; the Tea Act would create the breaking point for this relationship. â€Å"An act to allow a drawback of the duties of customs on the exportation of tea to any of his Majesty’s colonies or plantations in America; to increase the deposit on bohea tea to be sold at the India Company’s sales; and to empower the commissioners of the treasury to grant licenses to the East India Company to export tea duty-free. The Tea Act of 1773 caused in turn the Boston Tea Party, which aggravated the British so greatly that they delivered a punishment act. The punishment acts were called the Coercive Acts and also, along with other acts, became part of the intolerable acts the British had placed upon the colonies. The Boston Port Act, The Massachusetts Government Act, The Administration of Justice Act, The Quartering Act, and the Quebec Act were all placed in order for Britain to again attempt to take control over the colonies. The restrictions placed on the colonies by these acts included the closing of the port of Boston, limited the meetings to one meeting per year, allowed the governor to move trails, and attempted to house the British solders. This out lash of over bearing authority over the colonies became known as the main reason that the mercantilist relationship could not continue. Britain’s attempts of harsh leadership and the lack of economic opportunities became great enough to continuously push the colonies away and gave them reason to revolt and not comply. As years passed the interests of the colonies and British began to not be similar in any ways, causing conflicts. The colonists educated themselves in ways that the British had not expected, giving the colonies the upper hand in knowing what they deserved and what was being taken from them. There were no longer any benefits to having a relationship with Britain and the colonists were well educated on this fact and showed their feelings on this aspect in many ways. The mercantilist relationship was no longer making a profit for the British Crown or bringing benefits to anyone; it was causing them to lose money. This loss was apparent after the downfall of both the economic systems after the French and Indian War in 1763.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Alternative education Essay

E-learning is an excellent option in education, particularly when there are hindrances to traditional learning situations. For example, some people wish to continue their educations but do not live within driving distance of a college or university and don’t find it feasible to relocate. E-learning is a viable alternative for these students. Another hindrance to traditional learning, especially in grades K through 12, is the â€Å"one size fits all† mentality it embraces. Many students just do not learn well in a traditional learning environment, but thrive in a more flexible setting. To address this issue, parents are turning to e-learning opportunities for their children. Some choose full-time enrollment in a virtual school, while others use e-learning to supplement a home school curriculum. In the business world, e-learning provides a way for companies to train and instruct employees without requiring them to travel to a central location. Convenience is one of the major advantages of e-learning. It allows students to work and learn at their own pace without the unyielding time restrictions of traditional learning. Because e-learning provides access to learning materials at any time, students have the flexibility to schedule around families, jobs and other activities. Another major benefit of e-learning is the accessibility it provides. Students can learn from anywhere in the world. This is an especially important consideration for students who wish to study in a different country. In addition, because e-learning can be done from home, students have less clothing and driving expenses than with traditional learning. A major disadvantage to e-learning is the self-discipline it requires. While being able to work at your own pace can be an advantage, it can also be a disadvantage. This is especially true for students who have difficulty with time management and procrastination. These students tend to be more successful with the structure of traditional learning. Another disadvantage to e-learning is the technology involved. Some people do not have ready access to a computer and Internet connection. And some who do have the required equipment feel ill-equipped to use it. Lack of interaction between teacher and student is another drawback to e-learning. Some students need the immediate feedback that interaction provides. E-learning greatly increases the availability of educational opportunities. Unfortunately, it also increases the number of scams related to online education. Persons considering e-learning possibilities should be alert to such scams and thoroughly investigate any program before making a commitment.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Management Case Study: 15% Employee Payroll Decrease

I hope all is well since our last meeting. As we have recently been confronted with financial difficulties within Austen Pharmaceuticals, I have given extensive consideration in devising an effective plan for adequately addressing the directive of decreasing payroll by 15% and am prepared to share my prospective solution. As this transition will directly impact the employees, I have met with them to apprise them of the proposed cuts that have been presented and will ultimately take place.In an effort to maintain morale and make this evolution as seamless as possible for the employees, I have incorporated some of their ideas and suggestions in constructing the plan to decrease the payroll while preserving the workforce. After reviewing the most current performance evaluations for each employee, I have established a ranking system that rates each employee based on their overall performance in addition to any individual contributions that they have made which resulted in more efficiency within our division.By rating the employees based on performance, this provides a reference point to determine the most productive employees versus those who are marginal in the event that lay-offs are inevitable. The first step in fulfilling the objective of the plan is to immediately eliminate overtime and have salaried staff help out where possible to complete the work.Next, is to restructure or reduce the amount of hours that each employee works while allowing them to maintain their benefits. The more productive employees will work during peak hours and the average staff will work during  off-peak hours. This will allow for the work to be completed while utilizing our best resources when the workflow is the highest. The final step in the plan is to cut pay for each employee based on their performance. The pay cuts will be based on the rankings providing a 1% cut for the best performance and a 3% cut for those who are within the lower rankings. This will allow for our best per former to be acknowledged for their efforts while meeting the needs of the company. Additionally, this will allow our average performers to maintain employment while striving to improve performance.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Religious Diversity in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a small country in Asia, with the major population to be Muslim (80%). However, it is also the home of other religious groups, mainly Hindu, with a population of about 16% and also Christians and Buddhists with small percentage. Minorities include Biharis and tribal; among the tribal Chakma is the largest. In general, this country never had major issues regarding religious diversity; but to know the opinion of people in general, we interviewed a Muslim housewife, a Christian woman working at a beauty parlor, and a Hindu university student. We asked them a number of questions about their religious festivals, faith, and opinion on other religions and cultural differences. According to our gathered answers, the main two festivals for Muslims are- Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul_Azha; for Hinduism- Durga and Kali puja; for Christians- Christmas and Easter. Overall they all showed respect towards other religion and said that Bangladesh is receptive to diversity. The student felt that religion is indeed a major cause for unrest around the world. The opinion of the Muslim lady and the Christian student matched as they said that to keep peace intact, we should not criticize other religions and not say anything offensive about them. Everyone has their own belief and they are right on their positions. Therefore, we should not feel ourselves superior to others. Regarding culture, there are a number of differences in eating habits, dress up and daily life. Bangladeshi people are fond of rice, vegetables and fish basically. However, Hindu people are fond of chapatti (a form of bread) and sweet dishes; Christians like wine a lot and they eat bread and drink wine to remember Jesus, this is called- Communion. Muslim ladies wear saree or salwar kameez mainly, and at times they wear a veil (knowh as nakab) to cover their faces. Hindu gents wear dhoti, a white cloth wrapped around the lower part of their bodies, and Punjabi during their puja or other various festivals. The marriages also differ significantly; Christian brides wear white on their wedding day, whereas in Hinduisim, white is worn by widows. Every religion is different. They are unique in their own ways, with the faith, colours and in their way of practice. There are many Masjids, mandirs, Temples and Churches in Bangladesh; all different in their decoration and followers. But at the end of the day, it all comes to one conclusion- Humanity. No matter which religion we belong to, or whether we worship ALLAH, RAM or JESUS- we are humans, created by the same God, and thus should live together in harmony, show respect to others and maintain an unbreakable unity, not only in the country, but also in the world as a whole. Related article: Padma Bridge

Friday, September 13, 2019

Cheating in sports Essay Example for Free (#2)

Cheating in sports Essay The topic that I am researching is â€Å"Cheating in Sports†, from illegal drugs use, gambling, to federal indictments, NASCAR, all types and its impact economically and socially on society. Because millions and millions of dollars are won and lost in the world of sports, as well as the social impact it has with the public/society. So the questions that come to mind are, why do we care and identify with our teams so much? What is the appeal, what do we find so admirable about winning in a sporting game? Where do we draw the line when it comes to cheating in sports? Why as a society do we place such a high emphasis on winning in sports! Narrative Hook #1 – Is society’s obsession with winning jeopardizing the integrity of sports? This hook draws readers in and creates interest because it immediately captures their attention by asking the reader to consider societies role in possibly jeopardizing sports integrity. Readers can relate because every society in the world has some type of sports team, either, locally, or nationally they relate to, from the young to the old. Also, the majority of most people are not, were not athletes or involved in sports as a profession or employment or even at the amateur and recreational level. Most people (society) are fans of a particular sport and follow it, whether closely or as a casual interest. Narrative Hook#2 – Who is to blame, the athlete, the sport, the public for the wide spread cheating in sports? This hook draws and captures readers’ interest because it now specifically looks at several possibilities to consider and that most people will fit into. Depending on their own personal position, as an athlete, or former, involved in a sport as an employee, recreationally, or just a fan, they can relate on a personal level as it pertains to cheating in sports. I ask though, who is to blame, the athlete? How do you tell a young kid who’s family has been living in poverty, and has the chance to earn millions and change their lives by taking a little blue, white, pill that will give him a competitive advantage and possibly make that dream come true! When millions upon millions are at stake, a Super Bowl, a World Series and your team has the tapes of the opposing teams plays, or the signals of the pitcher, and it can mean the difference of being crowned the victor or not, what stops you, the coach, owner, to not cross that line, or should we say who stops you? That World Series winning home run, or that kick-off returning touchdown to win the Super Bowl, or that last round knockout by the underdog to win the match for the championship, what if you found out they all were the result of cheating? Would it make a difference, or would it not? Week 4 Significance of the purpose statement is multifaceted. It is to provide the goal or intended outcome of a study (in this scenario). Sets the objective, based on the need or problem and then particular or specific questions are developed (research questions) focusing on a single concept (phenomenon) or idea. The overall intent of this grounded theory study is to understand the ethical and economic impact that cheating in sports has on athletes and society. This will focus on exploring the experience of the fans (society), individual athletes and sports organizations. Conducted with individual interviews via phone or in person, at sporting events, sports organization, both professional, collegiate, high school, and recreational in the Charlotte and surrounding region, as well as various internet sites. At this stage in the research, the impact that cheating has in sports will generally be defines as the economic gain and the short term ethical effects on society and athlete. Fellow classmates, as I worked on developing my purpose statement, my challenge was what and how to narrow down to a single phenomenon. There is much to consider! I am trying to connect the dots of a few things. How cheating by some athlete effects the ethics of others to cheat, when they can see the competitive gain and possible financial as well! Then there are the fans, society, and how it impacts them, and their perspective of the individual athletes, their specific team and finally the sports organizations! As I stated last week, to the fans, does it make a difference, if their favorite athlete was caught, or their team? Is the problem with the athlete, or is it with us? In the reading it does state, that in a qualitative study, â€Å"advance a single phenomenon, recognizing that the study may develop into an exploration of relationships or comparisons among ideas†. So, I ask your help, should I just state, that my single phenomenon is maybe just the ethical aspects of cheating, or just the economical and additionally, should I focus on just one specific group, the athlete, society, sports organizations or leave as is with the thought that as stated above it will develop into other relationships or comparisons that can be expounded on in the research? Cheating in sports. (2017, May 31).

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Simulation Planning Document Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Simulation Planning Document - Essay Example Exercise i. Mediator Role Having in mind that both parties are involved in the dispute as a mediator it would be important to: a. Get information from each party about their real interests from the case b. Understanding the case and thinking of the best solution to offer c. Setting a date for the hearing to be conducted between the two parties d. Providing a satisfying solution to both parties after the hearing Exercise ii. Plaintiff Role a. Approaching the mediator b. Gathering the relevant documents to file a claim using them c. Explaining to the mediator the interests’ one need d. Informing Pollard about the case e. Making an agreement on the date of the hearing and how to conduct them f. Presenting claims Exercise iii. Defendant Role a. Getting relevant documents such as agreements initially signed b. Look for witnesses c. Agree on the date of hearing the case d. Present the defense. Question 2 Exercise ii BATNA- Compensation for $5000 Reservation price- $2400 (to be saved as the security deposit) Target- creating a good rapport with other tenants. Exercise iii BATNA- Maintain good reputation. Reservation- Harper having back the job. Target- Harper being fired officially

EDU 636 Team project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

EDU 636 Team project - Research Paper Example If this kind of learning environment is achieved, the adult learners would be surely in their optimal state to learn (Materna, 2007). The facilitator could then expect an interactive population of learners. In light of the aforementioned facts, for the adult learners who are the subject of the study, they will be subjected to an e-learning environment. This type of learning environment will primarily utilize computers and the internet. It is to be expected that each of the learners will have both of them at home or anywhere. The adult learners will have to log on to a designated website to be formally recognized by the facilitator. The website wherein the discussion will transpire will have to be user-friendly and complete with the needed accessories such as the discussion board. Unlike in a typical classroom discussion, wherein the teacher and the students will have a face to face interaction, in an e-learning environment, the participants will experience the so called virtual commu nication. What connects the teacher to the adult learners is the internet. All the educational materials will be available on the website wherein the adult learners could easily access and download. Explanation of whether the learning environment is primarily synchronous, asynchronous, or a blend.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Reflections on my Drug Administration OSCE Essay

Reflections on my Drug Administration OSCE - Essay Example Drug administration is one of the major roles of nurses. However, as I found out in the objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) given to us, it entails much more than simply giving a patient a pill. It is an aggregate of all the principles and skills we learn as nursing students, and the application of theories into practice. In drug administration, we have to remember and practice patient safety, provide holistic and individualized patient care, have a solid foundation on knowledge about drugs and medication safety, and perform administration checks and documentation at all times. Much about the role of nurses in hospital can be learned from something as seemingly simple as a drug administration OSCE. Patient safety practices Patient safety is a crucial part of patient care. At all times, all health professionals should keep the safety of the patient in mind. Patient safety practices for drug administration begin at the first contact, from patient identification, patient ed ucation and information, patient contact, performance of procedures, to leaving the patient comfortable. One of the important principles in patient safety is infection control. Nosocomial or hospital-acquired infections are the most common complications affecting hospitalized patients today, and one of the major sources of infection is cross-infection by health care workers (Burke, 2003). Meaning, most patient obtain infection from the hands of those that are treating and caring for them. Most incidents that lead to infection can be prevented and one of the simplest ways to prevent this is by hand-washing. In the Guideline for Hand Hygiene in Health-Care Settings released by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Boyce and Pittet, 2002), it is recommended that hand washing and hand antisepsis be done if hands are visibly dirty or contaminated. It should also be done before having direct contact with patients, before donning sterile gloves, after contact with a patientâ€⠄¢s skin, after contact with body fluids or excretion and wound dressings, and before eating or after using the restroom. In all aspects of contact with the patient, hand hygiene must be done. The guideline further recommends that health care personnel should not wear artificial fingernails, should keep nail tips short, and should remove gloves after caring for a patient. Thus, before drug administration, and even before handling drugs and preparing them, hand washing must always be done. It should also be done after patient contact, and in between interaction with different patients. Verifying patient identity is another important aspect of patient safety, and not being able to do this could lead to adverse results. Omitting verbal verification of patients’ identity prior to administering medications may lead to a potential adverse event 20% of the time in worst case scenarios (Lisby, Nielsen, and Mainz, 2005). Even with the use of medication administration technologies such as bar code verification, effectiveness in preventing errors is largely dependent on how practitioners use the technology to verify patient identity and drug identity (Englebright and Franklin, 2005). Remediable causes of having the wrong patient include absent or misused protocols for patient identification and informed consent, faulty exchange of information among caregivers, and poorly functioning teams (Chassin and Becher, 2002). During my OSCE, I failed to check the identity of the patient with my mentor. I understand that failing to properly verify my patient’s identity could lead to adverse consequences, and will make sure to keep it in mind in future patient interactions. Doing a brief clinical history can also contribute to patient safety. It allows nurses and other medical personnel to be aware of the patient’s condition, comorbidities, present symptoms and level of comfort. Particularly relevant in drug administration is asking the patient about other drugs being taken and for any personal history or family history of

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Russian revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Russian revolution - Essay Example 'What Is Happening in Russia' was one of many documents written and published by Vladimir Lenin while he lived outside of Russia; these were distributed throughout his home country and eagerly awaited by the activists and Communist thinkers he had left behind. It was with this chapter that Lenin first publicly commented on the events that had occurred prior to publishing; specifically the worker protests that had occurred in Russia between the self-declared proletariat and the Czarist forces. The military forces triumphed, but Lenin and the rest of the world looked on the Russian activists as the instigators to a revolution that was only just beginning. Students of the Russian Revolution have always read reflective essays and texts concerning the events that led up to the Russian Revolution, but rarely do they have a glimpse of first-hand doctrine and commentary from that era, specifically in the years before the major conflicts. Not only do primary sources heighten the learning experience and give first-hand context to historical events, but to read the words and thoughts of someone as integral to the Russian Revolution as Vladimir Lenin gives an entirely new slant to basic course studies. Through this piece of writing, one can get a feel not only for the attitude of Russians at the time, but of foreign countrymen as well. At the time Lenin wrote this piece, he had been a victim of prejudice for his political views for so long and to such an extreme extent that he didn't feel safe living in Russia anymore. His writing was a way for him to stay connected with the Communists at home in Russia and to continue inspiring them to want change. Lenin believed that the masses in Russia were largely unaware of their poor position in the strict class society, but that with persuasion they were slowly coming to terms with it and looking for a way out. The worker protests that occurred in the early 20th century clearly gave Lenin hope and a small sense of pride in his countrymen for their efforts. He did believe, however, that the failure of these protests called for pause and reflection so that future revolts might be more successful. When 'What Is Happening in Russia' was published, it was before the major events of the Russian Revolution had yet occurred; because of the timing of this piece of writing, students will be able to cultivate an excellent knowledge of the atmosphere of the times. Lenin references the growing unrest among Russian workers towards their classist, Czarist system, as well as their growing willingness to become proactive in changing their own lives and the lives of millions of disenfranchised Russians across the entire country. He refers to the Communist activists as "taking their first tentative steps" towards change and equality, "defining their objectives" in protest. Because of his position outside the country at the time, Lenin makes several references to international misunderstandings of the Russian state of mind, explaining that although foreign newspapers were mixing up their terms in reference to Russia and its protests, the basic opinion of the international community was that these outbursts of the public were the beginning of something bigger. He

Monday, September 9, 2019

Enviromental Science Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Enviromental Science - Speech or Presentation Example The 'decline and fall' of Easter Island and its alleged self-destruction has become the poster child of a new environmentalist historiography, a school of thought that goes hand-in-hand with predictions of environmental disaster. The researchers dispute that the claim that Easter Island's human inhabitants were responsible for their own demise. Jared Diamond shares an exceptional view point in Easter Island case. In his book1 he says that the people of Easter Island destroyed their forest, degraded the island's topsoil, wiped out their plants and drove their animals to extinction. Helping its readers conclude, that the collapse of the Easter Islands was a man-made end. However, comparing the similar situation to today's scenario, something similar is at our end. We may not know that we are suffering the heat due to the endurance in man, but when it gets killing, by then it would be too late. The self-inflicted environmental devastation in the Easter Island, caused its complex society collapsed, also descending into civil wars, cannibalism and self-destruction. Something much similar to today's 'commercial' wars with nothing but a global existence of man eating man.Diamond's theory of ecocide was an actual genocide terminated Rapa Nui's indigenous populace and its culture that became almost paradigmatic in environmental circles, a dark and gory secret hangs over the premise of Easter Island's self-destruction. Lipo thinks the story of Easter Island's civilization being responsible for its own demise might better reflect the psychological baggage of our own society than the archeological evidence. Now, let's look up at another example which is the on-going deforestation of the Amazon rain forest. Between May 2000 and August 2005, Brazil lost more than 132,000 square kilometers of forest-an area larger than Greece-and since 1970, over 600,000 square kilometers (232,000 square miles) of the Amazon rainforest has been destroyed.2 NASA satellite data are giving scientists insight into how large-scale deforestation in the Amazon Basin in South America is affecting regional climate. Researchers found during the Amazon dry season last August, there was a distinct pattern of higher rainfall and warmer temperatures over deforested regions. Some 14,754 sq km (9,170 square miles) of jungle was lost in 2003, according to the Brazilian government.3 The dramatic impact on the Amazon is reflected through the fires and the climate change. The Amazon is losing its green and the drought there is making it become dangerously and highly inflammable. Researchers and Scientist believe that if fires continue in the Amazon, 50 per cent of the Amazon could simply dissipate into smoke. It was also recorded that the humidity levels in the Amazon were recorded highest in 2005. We all want to develop. Develop from complexity to luxury. But it is not that all development needs to be non-eco friendly. In such immediate crisis where the world is crashing down to multi million pieces, it is sustainable development which comes most handy. Solar panels for household electricity, solar cookers to avoid over usage of LPG, filters for industrial chimneys and household, saving electricity, saving water, planting trees as much as possible, creating household dumps in your backyards to recycle organic waste, lesser usage of plastics etc are some ways to develop more constructively. No doubt it takes a lot of time and

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Customer Service Excellence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Customer Service Excellence - Essay Example Then when the organisations realised the fact that the sales pattern followed by them did not correspond with the consumer needs, then the need for a separate marketing department was realise. It can thus be named as the marketing department era. Next came the marketing company era when the need of organisations to focus on its customers to achieve its goals was realised. Hence, customer is given the highest priority in any of the marketing activities followed by the organisations. Customer Relationship Marketing Relationship is vital to the marketing process and the companies are now focussed on relationship marketing which helps to create, maintain and build a strong long term relationship with the stakeholders of the company including its customers (Palmatier, 2008). The area of relationship marketing has been an area of focus for the last few years. Relationship marketing mainly puts emphasis on the retention of customers rather than acquiring new customers. It heavily stresses o n the process of customer satisfaction and gives less importance to sales transactions. Relationship marketing, to a large extent, differs from that of the traditional forms of marketing. Relationship marketing mainly gauges the importance of long term relationship with a customer. Some of the eminent scholars identified that practicing relationship marking will help the company to convert a normal customer into a loyal customer. The loyalty factor in turn offers the company with new sales opportunities through repeat purchase (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1986, p. 234-235). Importance of Customer Service Customer service can be considered as the relationship that an organisation develops with its consumers or customers. It includes the provision of... The facts and analysis presented in this report suggest that most of the business organisations in this modern era are customer oriented. Any company which is market oriented is found to focus on all their business activities keeping the customers at the centre. The business activities are performed in such a way that it corresponds to the specific needs and wants of the customers. This process leads to the increased satisfactions for the customers and once the customer becomes happy it can be expected that they would continue their relationship with the organisation and would like to have the same product in future. This increases the customer trust and loyalty and helps the organisations to have a sustainable growth in future. Concept of marketing is not new and it has evolved through various stages. This paper makes a conclusion that the companies are now focused on finding products for the customers and not finding customers for the products offered by them. Technological advancements are also having a significant impact on the ways in which customer services are provided by the organisations. Technology has helped to provide customer service in a timely manner and the companies can now provide greater satisfaction to their customers. All these facts suggest that customer service is the most important aspect for any business organisation in order to ensure its profitable and sustainable growth in future.